Home Health and Diseases Depression: Complete Guide on Mental Health Disorder

Depression: Complete Guide on Mental Health Disorder

by Stephen Pantazopoulos

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can profoundly affect a person’s ability to cope with everyday life. It is estimated that over 300 million people around the world suffer from depression—including nearly 15 million individuals in the United States. It’s described as a feeling of having little or no joy and struggling to function in everyday life. Although it is a common disorder, the causes, symptoms and severity can vary greatly from case to case.

Major Depressive Disorder or Depression

The most important thing to remember when dealing with depression is that you are not alone. Seeking help is a sign of strength and courage, and there is no shame in asking for it. With the right support and treatment, you can learn to manage your depression and find the joy in life again.



There are different types of depression, and each has its own unique symptoms and characteristics. Some of the most common types of bipolar disorderinclude:

Major or Clinical Depression

The most well-known and diagnosable type of bipolar disorder is major or Clinical depression. This is the type of bipolar disorder that is most commonly seen by mental health professionals and is characterized by a persistently depressed or irritable mood that lasts more than two weeks. It can cause a noticeable decline in an individual’s quality of life, resulting in social isolation, psychological disturbances and sleeping problems. Treatment typically includes medication and/or psychotherapy.

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Persistent depressive disorder is a type of depression that lasts for at least two years. This type of bipolar disorder is characterized by a chronically low mood and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that used to be enjoyable. It is often accompanied by periods of major depression in which symptoms worsen, but not for the duration of two weeks or more. Treatment typically includes both psychotherapy and medication.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental condition characterised by instances of mania and depression that alternate. With this type of bipolar disorder, there are typically clear sudden changes in mood that alternate between moments of intense irritability and periods of profound depression. Medication and psychotherapy are frequently used in treatment.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is mainly associated with the winter months, which can lead to signs of depression. During these months, there may be an overall lack of energy and motivation. Those affected have difficulty participating in normal routines, such as daily chores, socializing and working. It can be treated with light therapy, medications and counseling.

Psychotic Depression

Psychotic depression is a more serious form of bipolar disorder that is characterized by prolonged depression episodes and episode of psychosis. During a psychotic episode, a person may experience hallucinations and delusions. This type of depression should be treated in an inpatient setting, as it can be very severe and treatment is more intensive.

Peripartum (Postpartum) Depression

Peripartum (Postpartum) depression affects women after giving birth and is characterised by severe sadness lasting longer than two weeks. It can be caused by hormones, lack of sleep, and changes in a new mom’s life. Symptoms include feeling crabbiness, tearfulness, having mood swings, and decreased energy. Treatment includes psychotherapy, support groups, adequate rest, and anti-depressants.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is defined as a recurring and severe form of bipolar disorder, often associated with premenstrual syndrome. Symptoms include irritability, anxiety, depression, extreme exhaustion and dysphoria. Treatment of PMDD often involves multiple medications such as SSRI’s, birth control and anti-depressants.

Situational Depression

‘Situational’ depression is triggered by specific events and traumatic experiences. It may come on suddenly and without provocation. This form of bipolar disorder is usually caused by a death in the family, a life-altering illness, a disillusioning event, or an abusive situation. It can last for months or years, depending on the event and the individual’s severity of symptoms.

Atypical Depression

Atypical depression, often referred to as minor depression, is considered to be a mild form of bipolar disorder that typically results from the individual’s daily social context. Symptoms can include sleepiness, excessive appetite, fatigue and over-sensitive reactions. Treatment for this type of depression can include therapy, antidepressant medications and lifestyle changes.

Treatment Resistant Depression

Treatment-resistant depression is a type of bipolar disorder that does not respond to traditional treatments. It typically requires specialized treatment and more intensive methods such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or deep brain stimulation (DBS). Such treatments aim to restore communication between the brain regions responsible for mood regulation and provide relief from the symptoms of depression.



Depression is more than just feeling sad or blue. It’s a serious mental health condition that can have a profound impact on your life. Bipolar Disorder can make it difficult to focus on work or school, manage everyday tasks, and even enjoy time with friends and family. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms for more than two weeks, you may be dealing with depression and should talk to your doctor.

  • Loss of Appetite or Reduced Food Intake
  • Feeling Tired All the Time
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of Guilt or Worthlessness
  • Loss of Concentration
  • Trouble Making Decisions
  • Recurring Thoughts of Death or Suicide
  • Urges to Self Harm or Harm Others
  • Feelings of Hopelessness or Helplessness
  • Changes in Sex Drive or Interest
  • Increased Alcohol or Drug Use
  • Changes in Weight or Body Mass
  • Memory Problems
  • Feelings of Being a Failure
  • Feelings of Being Overwhelmed
  • Difficulty Regulating Emotions



Depression is a complex mental disorder with a wide range of potential causes. While there is no single cause of Bipolar Disorder, there are several factors that can contribute to its development. These include biological factors such as genetic predisposition, brain chemistry, and hormones. Psychological factors such as early childhood trauma, negative thinking patterns, and stress can also contribute to depression. Additionally, social factors such as isolation, poverty, and loss can play a role in the development of the disorder.

While the exact cause of depression is still unknown, research suggests that it is likely caused by a combination of these factors.



Depression is a serious mental health illness that can have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life. There are a variety of treatment options available to people with Bipolar Disorder, including medication, naturopathic remedies, light therapy and lifestyle modifications.


Depression can have a profoundly negative impact on one’s life and it is important to seek treatment to help manage the condition and improve quality of life. Fortunately, there are a variety of depression medications available to individuals who might struggle with the condition.

The most common type of anti-depressant medications are selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medications work by increasing serotonin, a naturally occurring chemical, in the brain. Common SSRIs including Zoloft and Prozac, which are some of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants.

Some individuals may experience the side effects associated with SSRIs including nausea, dizziness, and restlessness. Other types of depression medications, such as tricyclic antidepressants and SNRIs, may also be prescribed to patients. These medications may produce fewer side effects but can take longer to take effect.

It is important to note that any type of depression medication can affect different individuals in different ways. It is important to work closely with a medical professional to determine the best course of treatment. This can involve experimentation with dosage, frequency of use, and even switching medications if necessary.

Naturopathic Remedies

Naturopathic remedies are a type of holistic treatment that can help people manage their symptoms of depression, offering the potential for better control over moods and relief from the troubling aspects of the condition.

Naturopathic treatments focus on providing long-term care and relief of symptoms, rather than trying to get rid of the condition itself. This means that the remedies can be used safely and without the worry of potentially dangerous side effects that are often associated with traditional medication.

Naturopathy provides a variety of approaches for relieving the symptoms of depression, including lifestyle changes, diet modification, and nutritional supplementation. These remedies have the potential to improve energy, mood and general wellbeing, giving those affected by the condition more control over the mood swings and other miserable symptoms.

Light Therapy

Light therapy is a relatively new and successful treatment option for those suffering from depression. It has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments and diseases, but only recently has been used to treat mental health conditions such as depression.

Light therapy works by exposing patients to bright artificial light for a certain period of time for several days a week. The light used is much brighter than normal indoor lighting, and its intensity is based on the patient’s individual need. Research has shown that exposure to such light can help regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which is important in managing moods, energy, and concentration.

Light is thought to interact with the brain in a way that directly affects the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood. By providing the brain with higher serotonin levels, patients experience an overall decrease in depressive symptoms, including low energy levels, low self-esteem, irritability, and general lack of motivation.

Light therapy is typically done on an outpatient basis, but it can also be done inpatient in some cases. Outpatient treatment usually involves the patient coming in several times a week and sitting in front of a light box for up to an hour each time. The light box emits a strong, full-spectrum light that allows patients to be exposed to a consistent amount of light each time.

It is important to note that depression light therapy does not work for everyone. Many people will not see any improvement in their symptoms and may even find that their Bipolar Disorder worsens. It is strongly recommended that patients talk to their doctor before beginning this type of treatment, in order to ensure that it is the best option for them.

Light therapy is a promising and successful treatment option for many patients dealing with depression. With its relatively easy administration and reported effectiveness, it is a good choice for those who are searching for an alternative to traditional therapies. If you think you may be a candidate, talk to your doctor to find out if this type of therapy is right for you.

Lifestyle Modifications

Lifestyle modifications can aid in managing depressive symptoms and promoting overall well-being. Here, we explore several depression lifestyle modifications that can help bring back balance, ease anxiety, and reduce Bipolar Disorder.

Eating a nutritious diet is an important first step to managing depression and its symptoms. Eating whole, organic foods, and avoiding processed and sugary items, can have an immense impact on mood and health. Getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D, through diet or supplementation, can also reduce symptoms of depression.

Getting regular exercise can be used to fight depression as well. Exercise releases endorphins which are neurochemicals that help to lift up your mood. Also, physical activity boosts self-esteem and can help to provide lost energy and motivation. A balanced exercise plan could include cardiovascular exercise, stretching and yoga, and strength training.

Getting enough sleep is also essential for managing depressive symptoms. It is important to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night and developing a sleeping routine can help contribute to improved rest each night. A sleeping routine would include things like avoiding screens and technology right before bed, going to bed at the same time each night, and eliminating stimulants such as caffeine.

Depression can worsen feelings of isolation. One lifestyle modification that can support improved mental health is connecting with others. Building meaningful relationships with friends, family, and members of the community, can provide much-needed support and companionship. It is important to be open and supportive in these relationships, and to be honest if you are struggling with depression.

Lastly, relaxation techniques can be beneficial when managing depressive symptoms. Stress can trigger negative thoughts and feedback loops, and taking time for relaxation can be calming and provide mental clarity. Examples of relaxation techniques could include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, and guided imagery.



In conclusion, depression is a mental illness that is unfortunately not always given the attention it deserves. It can have a profound impact on a person’s life, making everyday activities seem overwhelming and daunting. However, with the right support and treatment, it is possible to manage and overcome depression. It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms, and to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling. Together we can work towards breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness and create a world where everyone can get the help they need.

Originally posted 2023-06-19 10:53:16.

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