Home Body and Fitness Push-Pull-Legs Workout: Easily Build Body Muscle

Push-Pull-Legs Workout: Easily Build Body Muscle

by Darren Salzar

You’ve probably heard rumors about the Push-Pull-Legs training technique(PPL Workout), whether you’ve been spending more time at the gym recently or browsing new routines on fitness blogs.

If the rumors are true, ppl workout is a complete approach to exercise that enables you to increase your strength, endurance, and muscle mass while also giving your body a restful break in between workouts.

It’s imperative to understand how this three-part regimen—which also includes a Legs Day—operates on the gym floor if you’re interested in this exercise technique. For step-by-step instructions on how to duplicate this workout style and four tips for getting the most out of your upcoming workout, read on.


Push-Pull-Legs Workout Technique

People usually mean the Push-Pull-Legs exercise technique when they mention going to the gym on a Push or Pull day.

The Push-Pull-Legs technique is made to assist in a well-rounded workout regimen that equally distributes your efforts throughout all body zones. It essentially involves alternating between exercises that target various muscle groups.

Push-Pull-Legs Workout

Typically, three types of targeted exercise are divided into Push-Pull-Legs routines:

  1. You can primarily work your chest, shoulders, and triceps during push day.
  2. While working out your back, traps, and biceps, pull day will give the muscles used on push day a chance to recover.
  3. Leg Day is exactly what it sounds like. Your lower body, which includes your Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, and Calves, is being worked to the fullest while your upper body is taking a break.

It’s important to note that many people decide to add a rest day in between the second and third training days. Push-Pull-Legs exercises can be challenging to complete day after day, especially if you’re just starting to exercise.


Push-Pull-Legs Exercises

You probably already do a lot of pushing and pulling in your daily life, even if you’re not aware of it. Your pulling and pushing muscles can be used for even the most straightforward tasks, such as lifting yourself out of bed in the morning or pulling open a door for a stranger.

However, carrying out these movements on a gym floor appears very different. See how they differ by comparing some push day vs pull day workouts.


Push Day Workouts

On push day, you’ll concentrate on exercises that build your upper body strength by using pushing motions. The triceps, as well as the muscles in your chest and shoulders, are the focus of these exercises.

Push Day Workout

The most well-known and well-liked Push Day exercises are as follows:

  • Flat Bench Press
  • Inclined Press
  • Cable PEC Flys
  • Overhead Press
  • Lateral Raises
  • Rear Delt Fly
  • Tricep Dips
  • Tricep Pushdown


Pull Day Workouts

What would a pull exercise look like then? A Pull day workout routine typically consists of strength-training exercises that require you to pull weights toward your body, in contrast to a Push day workout routine (rather than press them away).

Pull Day Workout

The following are some fundamental Pull-day exercises:

  • Pull Ups
  • Barbell Rows
  • Single Arms Rows
  • Lat Pulldowns
  • Face Pulls
  • Hammer Curls
  • Inclined Curls
  • Preacher’s Curl

Pull day works to target your biceps, forearms, and, most importantly, the intricate network of muscles in your back. Push day targets the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and arms.

Although the arms, legs, and core frequently receive most of the attention from fitness enthusiasts, strengthening your back is an essential part of becoming physically fit overall. Your back muscles have a significant impact on your mobility, and strengthening them can encourage better posture to safeguard your spine and help prevent lumbar pain.


Legs Day Workouts

The upper body is the focus of the first two days of Push-Pull-Legs workout routines, but on day three, the pushing and pulling continue.

Your exercises on Legs Day will concentrate on building your leg muscles using the same pushing and pulling motions that you used on Days 1 and 2. Legs Day focuses on strengthening your:

  • Obliques
  • Femoris
  • Pelvic floor muscles
  • Achilles tendon
  • Hamstrings
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Abdominals

Legs day is intended to encourage various body zones to cooperate to build strength, whereas Push day and Pull day workout routines focus on the type of exercise you do. You can enhance your stability, balance, and even awareness of how various muscle groups cooperate to support your movement with the aid of this technique.

Legs Day Workout

Here are a few popular exercises to try on Legs Day:

  • Barbell Squats
  • Leg Press
  • Leg Raises
  • Leg Curls
  • Seated Calf Raises
  • Standing Calf Raises


Should You Try Push-Pull-Legs Exercise?

Fitness enthusiasts use a variety of techniques to work on their overall physique at the gym, including push-pull-legs training. If any of the following apply to your situation:

You want to put on muscle- One study found that resistance training, such as the Push-Pull-Legs routine, may be more effective at gaining muscle than other forms of exercise. Additionally, it’s fantastic for increasing overall strength and muscle endurance.

You want results that are distributed equally- Because Push-Pull-Legs routines alternate between different body parts, many gym goers don’t have to worry about overworking or neglecting any particular part of their bodies.

Your body yearns for recovery time- Push-Pull-Legs training allows your body time to rest, repair, and grow even stronger in between sessions, unlike other workout techniques that make you work the same muscles repeatedly.

The top gym equipment is available to you- Because Push-Pull-Legs training is a particularly demanding form of exercise, you’ll get the best results if you can use a variety of gym tools during your workouts. You can adjust your equipment to each specific exercise and increase your weights as you progress if you have complete access to a variety of exercise machines and weights.


How to Get the Most Out of Your Push-Pull-Legs Routine

The Push-Pull-Legs exercise routine may appear to be fairly simple, but to get the most benefit from it, you may need to alter your approach to exercise and lifestyle in general.

Having said that, let’s go over four strategies for maximizing your Push-Pull-Legs workouts, regardless of the day that follows:

Try something different

There are plenty of exercises you can do as part of a Push-Pull-Legs workout routine, which is good news for those who get bored easily. However, if you subject your body to the same exercises every day, you might experience muscle fatigue.

Try switching between different exercises as you rotate through Push, Pull, Legs day to avoid getting bored with monotonous workouts. For instance, you could dedicate your Pull days to pull-ups, bicep curls, and renegade rows for a week or two before switching one or two of them out for an alternative.

Weigh your options

The importance of selecting the proper weights for your Push-Pull-Legs workouts cannot be overstated, and size can vary depending on the exercise. The proper weights for you should raise your heart rate during your first few reps but shouldn’t leave you so exhausted that you are unable to continue with your subsequent exercises.

Include Rest Days

Many fitness enthusiasts swear by adding a “Rest Day” to their three-day Push-Pull-Legs routines, as we’ve already mentioned. By giving your body a day to recuperate, you’ll encourage muscle growth, tissue repair, and long-term injury prevention. Additionally, Push-Pull-Legs will still allow you to exercise all of your major muscle groups twice weekly, even if you take a day off.

Increase your sleep hygiene

Sleeping the right amount each night (at least 7 hours) is essential for maintaining your physical fitness. Your muscles are being broken down while you work out, and they can only be rebuilt stronger while you sleep, when your body adds new protein and fibers to your muscles. In other words, if you get your eight hours of sleep every night, your workout will only be complete.


Bottom Line

Last but not least, Push-Pull-Legs exercise is advised for those who can commit to working out 3 to 6 days per week.

If you decide to make Push-Pull-Legs the centerpiece of your fitness routine, do so in a setting where people can support and encourage you along the way because, like many other exercise methods, it takes time and dedication to see results. The Push-Pull-Legs exercise routine targets nearly all muscle groups and aids in encouraging muscle growth.

Originally posted 2022-10-29 19:22:44.

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